The When & How of Revision
When do I revise ?
Plan it !
Times of day.
What you need !

Make up a timetable and stick to it! Make a checklist and tick each topic off as you visit it.
Download your blank timetable here!
Start small.
Plan your revision!

Morning is our best learning time. If you sleep too much or not enough, you’ll be tired and grumpy,
The idea is to revise, not get ill. Aim for 7 to 8 hours sleep a night and no lie-ins! Get in that routine now!!!!
(You can have the whole of summer to lie in if you want to!)
Tea and coffee are okay, but only in small doses and never after 6pm.
So, drink fruit juice or milk or even water. They’re full of goodness and the liquid your body needs.

Try not to revise on a full stomach! After a big meal, you are tired because your body is using up energy digesting your monster meal! But you can’t revise on an empty stomach either!
Use fruit to snack on.
A healthy body is a healthy mind!

Exercise! It’s not good for you to be sitting down all day, but that does not mean you can spend the day playing football with your mates!
Walks are great.
This time will allow your brain to reflect and think about the work you have done, lower your blood pressure, exercise your heart, get you lots of fresh air and help your body help your mind to concentrate.

BUT don’t use the walk times as an excuse to visit a mate’s house or do a little retail therapy at Primark!!

If it is too hot you’ll want to fall asleep and if you are too cold, you’ll never be able to concentrate. So keep the heating to quite warm and have a window open so that you can get some fresh air. This will keep you awake and alert!
Be nice to yourself!
Certain types of music can help you think better. Avoid music that will distract you. This is for the background.
Reward yourself with small treats. Make breaks in your revision timetable. For working for one hour, you could have a five or ten minute break.
Put off the good things until you’ve done your revision, if you have worked hard then an evening off is deserved!

Length of revision time?

Start small and build up your revision
Try a 20 to 30 minute session followed by a 5 minute break. Then repeat!
Increase the working times so you can work solidly for at least an hour!
Have that 10-minute break then. (Walk around the house, make a drink, run around the back garden….) then go back to the work or you’ll lose the mood to revise!