Zimbabwe Medical Centre Campaign

Nyandoro is a small village in the Nyanga region of Zimbabwe. The village is home to families who live in simple huts and houses which they build themselves.
The people who live in this small village are not as well off as you and I, they have to pay for education. Some families can’t pay and their children go uneducated.
They only have one small primary school and one small secondary school called St David’s and if they can afford it, they may be able to attend.
Our Target
The nearest medical centre is 20km away from the village and the children have to walk there.
As a school we aim to raise £10,000 to complete the building of a new medical centre in Nyandoro!
Building started in 2018 thanks to money raised by another school and at that time we raised a further £5,000. But now that money’s run out. Here’s where the Thousand Hearts Campaign comes in!

One thousand hearts appeal