Items for Sale

How it works

  1. Look at the items on offer
  2. Email your interest to – listing item , donation amount, name and contact details.
  3. On return confirmation email, Pay via ParentPay or via bank transfer
  4. Collection from Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College, Timberdine Avenue,

Items for sale

Suggested donation £5

Verbatim unopened pack of 10 blank CD’s.

Terms and conditions

This is an online marketplace that allows users to buy items.
Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College has possession of anything listed and sold through the site.
The suggested pricing of items, are set by Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College. All queries relating to costs should be directed to the site member listing the item in question.
Should any disputes arise, we will try and facilitate the resolution of such disputes. It is the responsibility of parties involved in site transactions (e.g. listing, buying, selling, ) to arrange payment for all items directly with each other. For guidance on ensuring you make safe and secure financial transactions.
Purchase conditions
When buying an item, you (the user) are responsible for:

  • reading the details relating to the item before making a commitment to buy
  • liaising with the seller (and vice versa) regarding payment for the item and agreeing delivery details.

For full terms & conditions – click here