Non Uniform Day- Friday 3rd May

Dear Parent,

We are delighted that this year we can take a number of students on pilgrimage to Lourdes, which will take place in May. During our time in Lourdes, students will journey with and pray for pilgrims who are ill or who suffer disabilities. To support the pilgrimage, we are having a non-uniform day on Friday 3rd May. 

Students are reminded to dress in their own smart and modest clothes and pay £1 for the privilege. All students who have a PE lesson on this day must still bring their kit as usual.

Lourdes is a holy place of healing and as Catholics we firmly believe in the power of prayer. If there is someone you would like us to pray for whilst we are there, for comfort and support, please email me at school or send in details with your child for me or Mrs Wright, the Head of RE. Together with the students, we will pray daily on your behalf and offer the names you have given at Mass.

Yours in Faith
Sonya Thomas

Deputy Headteacher
Head of Catholic Life