Transition FAQ
FAQ regarding Transition to Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College.
- What happens on the first morning?
On the first morning you will need to arrive in school by 8.45. Go to the Year 7 playground at the back of the school where the Head of Year 7 and the seven form tutors will be waiting to meet you.
- Will I be in the same class as some of my friends?
Yes. We have several meetings with your Year 6 teachers and always try to make sure that you are in the same tutor group as some of your friends from primary school. You will find out who else is in your form group on New Intake Evening.
- Where can I catch the bus from?
We have a bus bay at the back of school. All school buses arrive and leave from here. In the morning you simply get off the bus within the college grounds. A member of staff will be on duty in this area.

In the afternoon everyone lines up in years groups in designated places and the duty team of the day will coordinate all students’ entry onto the different buses. All bus times are included within the transport information icon on this website section.
- What can you do at break and lunch time?
At break time and lunch time you can go to the canteen to buy some food or you can go straight to the Year 7 playground where there is also additional covered outdoor seating. If you bring a packed lunch you can eat it in the canteen or outside. At lunch times there is also a variety of extra-curricular activities to join in with. See our clubs page for more information!
- What happens if I get lost?
Don’t worry. We always say, you are not lost, you are just in the wrong part of the building.
During the first week staff will be standing outside all of the rooms welcoming you into their lesson. Senior teachers will also be walking around helping you to get to the right place and all the other students are very helpful too.
Nobody is going to tell you off if you arrive a few minutes late for a lesson, we know that it will take a while to get used to moving around all the different classrooms.
- What happens if I am late for lessons?
Don’t worry. We always say, you are not lost, you are just in the wrong part of the building!
During the first week staff and transition mentors will be standing outside all of the rooms helping to direct you.
- How much homework will I get?

For each subject you will receive one piece of homework each week, the homework will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. You will be given a planner on your first day where you can record all your homework and the date on which it should be handed in.
- When will I know who my form tutor is?
Normally you will get to meet your form tutor on Intake Evening but due to the circumstances we are unable to hold this evening. We will send out another video from your form tutors so you know who they are ready for September.
- Can I bring my mobile phone into school?
Yes, but you must follow the mobile phone policy. Mobiles must be switched off before you enter the school gates and only turned back on when you leave the school site.
- Will I need my PE kit on the first day?
No, your first lesson of PE is a talk from the members of staff about expectations and extra-curricular activities.
- What do I do if I lose something at school?
Your first place to check is your classrooms, if you still don’t have any luck go to pupil reception where lost property is taken. Tip – make sure you label all of your belongings.