Staff Catholic Life
Staff Catholic Life at Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College
Collective Worship
At Blessed Edward Oldcorne staff begin each briefing with an Act of Collective Worship. We pray for members of our school community and those in the local community. Each meeting also begins with an Act of Collective Worship. At the start of staff inset days we come together to listen to the Word of God and reflect on key themes during the Liturgical Year. For example, in January we reflect on the meaning and importance of Epiphany.
Staff Prayer
On Friday lunchtimes there is the opportunity for staff to spend time together in prayer. We offer prayers up for our loved ones, the school community, the local community and the world. During staff prayer we reflect on the reading of the day and how we can follow the teachings of the Gospels in school.
Role models in Faith
At Blessed Edward Oldcorne staff are role models in our faith. In our relationships with staff and students we model what it means to be a Christian by following our school virtues. For example, during the Season of Lent members of SLT give service to staff and students by polishing their shoes.
Secret Saint
During the Season of Lent staff members sign up to be a Secret Saint for another member of our community. Our challenge is to ‘look out’ for the person we have been allocated. We recognise that none of us are perfect, but we all have a lot to offer’ so during the Season of Lent we are encouraged to share what we have and make small gestures of kindness.
We are reminded that everything we do is for the Greater Glory of God.
Staff Walking Weekend
In the Summer Term staff come together for a weekend of walking. During this time staff have the time to relax and socialise outside of school but also the opportunity to reflect on God’s creation. During the weekend staff are invited to a Liturgy together to thank God for the time we have spent together and for the wonders of His creation.