Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College sets very high expectations for behaviour. This is captured in our behaviour policy which makes it clear to all students how they will demonstrate kindness, respect and honesty in school. We apply these expectations consistently for all students; however, we acknowledge that for a range of reasons not all students have the same starting point and will require support and guidance.
St John Bosco Room

Mrs Smith, our Lead Learning Mentor, and Mrs Asghar run the Saint John Bosco Room, which is a calm and supportive environment for students requiring additional behavioural and pastoral support. Mrs Smith has worked in a variety of educational settings and is dedicated to supporting students with overcoming their barriers and achieving their full potential.
The support offered by Mrs Smith and Mrs Asghar includes:
1. Reflective and Restorative Justice work- some students spend a fixed amount of time in the Saint John Bosco Room to reflect on their behaviour and to identify any areas they need further support with to move forward positively.
2. Weekly 1-1 support sessions for students to be able to set targets, and discuss both their progress in school and any concerns they may have. For Pastoral based sessions, some students may complete Mindfulness activities, including Mental Health Journal work.
3. Regular communication with class teachers, Heads of Year and parents/carers regarding student progress.
4. Mentoring support as part of the LAC support team, which involves academic target setting and weekly mentoring sessions for assigned students in collaboration with Miss Mason, Designated LAC Teacher.
5. Mrs Smith is also part of the careers team and can offer students support with college and apprenticeship applications.
6. Reintegration planning and support for students on or returning from managed moves.
Positive Outcome Project
We are very lucky to be part of the new innovative project called the The Positive Outcomes Project (POP) developed by Worcestershire Children First. The project also works closely with both Heart of Worcestershire College and the University of Worcester also.
The POP project came about as Worcestershire Children First recognises that for children and young people aged between 10 to 18 these really are challenging years for them as they make the transition from a child to that of a young adult.
They experience multiple changes during this period such as developmental changes, friendships and peer groups, changes in educational environments and expectations of growing up and becoming young adults and making choices about their future.
There may also be changes, difficulties and challenges at home for some children and young people. All of these can impact on their emotional well-being, identity, self-confidence and self-esteem as well as family life.
We also know that there can be risks within their communities and online which we need to address and part of achieving this is to raise awareness of potential harm and educate and support young people with identifying when something is not right and what they can do when they are worried or concerned.
The project is delivered by Worcestershire Children First and is overseen and line managed by the company. The project is permanently staffed by Social Work qualified employees who also hold the relevant Practice Education qualification and have the experience to teach and train social workers in training. Worcestershire Children First is committed to providing high quality social work practice and training as this is critical to delivering high quality services to children and young people now and into the future.
The work of the project will be delivered by student social workers on placement and therefore all their work will be overseen and supervised by our practice educators and social work academy to ensure both quality and standard of practice.
For more information regarding the project contact the school.