Year 7 Welcome Back Letter

September 2023

Dear Parent,
It was lovely to welcome your child on their first day at Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College.
Over the first few days, I have been impressed with the year groups’ behaviour and enthusiasm for learning and I am confident that this will continue as they progress not only through Year 7, but across the full five years at this school.
One of the key themes for the first term is for Year 7 students to get organised. This includes ensuring that they have the correct books and equipment in school and making sure that homework is completed on time and to the best of their ability. I would ask that you check with your child daily to ensure that they have everything they need. This repetition will lead to emphasis which will lead to strong habits being formed. We want students to be in the habit of being ready and organised for school, so please resist the urge to pack your child’s bag for them as we want to encourage independence and responsibility for their learning from the first day.
Our college website contains lots of information about the school including our school policies, but I wanted to take this opportunity to briefly summarise a few of the key policies to avoid any confusion.

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are allowed in school but must remain switched off and in a student’s bag at all times. If they are seen (including in trouser pockets) or heard, then they will be confiscated. If a student feels ill during the school day, they must report to Pupil Reception. They must not contact you directly. Our medical team will assess the student and contact you if necessary. Parents should also contact the school office if they need to get a message to their child during the school day.

Research has shown that a positive attitude to attendance is a strong indicator of academic success. Our expectation is that students are in every lesson, every day. Please contact the School Office if your child is unable to attend school for any reason. Please note that medical evidence may be requested for extended or repeated periods of absence due to illness.

Our behaviour policy is designed to ensure that all students can learn in an environment that is safe, secure and rooted in mutual respect. Our three rules in school are Kindness, Honesty and Respect.
When students occasionally fall short of these expectations, appropriate sanctions will be put in place. In most cases, talking through the issue with the student and agreeing better future choices will be all that is required, but if poor behaviour is persistent or if a student needs to be removed from a lesson, then they will be issued with a same day afterschool detention. If you have any concerns with your child’s behaviour, please do not hesitate to get in touch so that we can work together to support them.

Year 7 are immaculately presented and are proud to be wearing the school uniform correctly and smartly. This is something that we will be seeking to maintain as we move throughout the year. Our college uniform is a way in which our students show their pride at being part of our community.
Please refer to the uniform policy on our website, particularly in relation to shoes that resemble trainers, haircuts that are too short and coats that have large logos. Please get in touch if there are any difficulties regarding uniform. Please also ensure that all items are named so that any lost items can be swiftly returned to their rightful owner.

Appointments with staff
We appreciate that from time to time, you may wish to speak to a member of staff in person.
However, please note that we will not be able to accommodate any meetings with staff without a pre-arranged appointment. All staff, including the Head of Year, Headteacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team have a teaching timetable. If you need to see a member of staff, please contact the School Office and the appropriate member of staff will contact you to discuss the issue or to invite you into school.

Social Media and Online Activity
Please monitor and limit your child’s use of the internet, including online videos, gaming and social media. Our recommendation is that parents resist the pressure to allow their children access to social media platforms; the age limit for these sites is a minimum of 13 years old. If you do allow your child to access these, please insist that you are added as a contact with full access to see what they are posting and who is communicating with them. In the event of any friendship disputes, please encourage your child not to get involved in social media disputes and to report any concerns to a member of school staff. Research suggests that a better night’s sleep is had when phones are not kept in bedrooms, and that children accessing the internet should be doing so in communal spaces of the home; this may be something you wish to consider for your child. If you have any concerns regarding online safety or safeguarding, please contact us in school.

Residential trips this academic year.
Excitingly, this year we are planning a residential trip to PGL, Boreatton Park on Wednesday 8 May until Friday 10 May 2024. This trip is open to all Year 7 students. The cost of the trip is £270 which includes all activities, meals and accommodation. Further details can be found at

A deposit of £90 is payable via ParentPay by Friday 29 September. Further payments of £90 will be due by 4 December 2023 and 2 February 2024. All payments should be made via the ParentPay system. Parents/carers or guardians of Free School Meal, Looked After and Service Children may be eligible through the Pupil Premium Grant for assistance with the cost of Educational Trips and Visits. An application form for funding is available from Mr Edmunds. Please get in touch if there are any queries. It is hoped that the majority (if not all) of Year 7 will want to come on the trip.
There will also be further opportunities for school trips run by departments later in the year, for example to Lourdes, France.

This Half Term
The first half term of the school year is always busy and there are a number of key dates for you to be aware of:
Thursday 28 September – Open Evening (Year 7’s are welcome to volunteer to help out)
Thursday 19 October – Year 7 Pastoral Parents Evening with form tutors.
Wednesday 25 October – Departmental Curriculum Planning afternoon (students leave at 1.35pm)
Monday 30 October – Friday 3 November– Half Term

If there are any issues, questions or if you need any support with any aspect of school life, please
do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

With best wishes,

Mrs K Rice
Head of Year 7